Bogosity is a branch of science first developed at Carnegie-Mellon University. They developed several pieces of bogus jargon in the process:
bo·gos´i·ty: The state or condition of being bogus
bo´gon: The elementary particle of bogosity,
primarily used in quantum bogodynamics (q.v.)
bogon emitter: An object that emits bogons,
thereby increasing the bogosity of the surrounding area (e.g.,
a malfunctioning device, a psychic, Microsoft Windows)
bogon filter: An object that negates the bogons
emitted by a bogon emitter (e.g., the IT guy who watches as
you show him the problem with your computer, at which point it
starts behaving normally)
bo·go´me·ter: (also, British, bogometre)
A device used for measuring bogosity levels (e.g., an
attendant to a creationist seminar might exclaim, “My bogometer just
quantum bogodynamics: A field of study involving the behavior of bogosity at the particle level
The science of bogosity was further developed at the Institute for Completely Bogus Studies, again with the development of further jargon:
BhD: a bogus doctorate degree
bogus doctor: one who holds one or more doctorate
degrees, all of which are completely bogus (e.g., Kent
bhogium: a theoretical chemical element and
theorized component of bogon emitters; difficult to confirm as its
atomic number can change by the hour or even by the minute,
depending on what’s on TV (especially problematic since the
introduction of The Oprah Network)
clu´on: The antiparticle of a bogon, the particle
of knowledge and skepticism; when emitted, the bogons are
annihilated, reducing bogosity levels
cluon emitter: An object that reduces bogosity;
distinguished from a bogon filter in that it acts upon a third party
instead of filtering the bogons at their source (e.g.,
James Randi is a cluon emitter; his Million Dollar Challenge is a
bogon filter)
fu´ton: The neutral bogosity particle, the
particle of ignorance and apathy; when present in a third party, it
inhibits the ability of cluons to annihilate bogons (e.g.,
in any given Sylvia Browne fan when hearing James Randi)
milliGeller: (also, milliGel; abbr mGel) a unit
for measuring bogosity levels; 1 milliGeller is the average bogosity
emitted by one politician speaking on C-SPAN for one hour
sar·cas´i·tron: Unconfirmed theoretical particle,
possibly the antiparticle of a futon; allows bogons to survive the
presence of cluons while negating their effect (e.g.,, The Colbert Report)